Saturday, April 13, 2013

Review: The Deadline by Gayle Forman(One Teen Story Vol. I Issue I)

4/5 stars

Summary: Mags has had a crush on Grant for a long time.  She feels that she understands him much more than the airheads that he usually dates.  With no progress, she sets a deadline: If Grant and she don't have a change in their relationship, she'll stop hoping for more.

Characters: (spoilers probably coming soon)

Mags- I like her optimism, but she seems so naive.  She lets herself think that Grant is the one.  Through her story, she shows us to be cautious with our feelings, but not to be afraid of showing them.

Grant- Ew, what a lame guy.  He seems sleazy to me, always going for the same shallow girl and using the same go-to lines. Ugh.

Robin- I can't say much about this guy, but he seems super sweet.  I like his shyness and honesty.  If this were a long book, I'd probably swoon over him.

Plot- Ive read a ton of story like this one, yet I didn't guess that ending.  I'm not sure how because I really should have.  Nonetheless, it was still super cute and I really love that one line Robin says which I can't spoil!

Cover- This is an illustration of one of Grant's poems.  I thought it was a little rough looking for a cute romance, but it looks cool for a different genre!

Would I recommend it to a friend? Yeah, go check out this magazine.  It's not too shabby :)

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